
After her father’s tragic suicide due to gambling debts, Oksana Wallingford must provide for her younger brother and maintain their household. When her best friend secures her a job as a nanny for the Duke of Essex, it seems like the perfect opportunity. However, Oksana did not anticipate clashing with Rafe Tarkington, the recently widowed Duke and her new employer. Their personalities clash like oil and water, but what begins as mutual animosity slowly evolves into something more. Nonetheless, Rafe has sworn off marriage forever, casting doubt on their burgeoning relationship. As they navigate their complex emotions, an unforeseen disaster threatens to upend everything they hold dear. Will Oksana and Rafe find common ground, or will their differences tear them apart? Discover the twists and turns in "Gray’s Hill," a tale of love, loss, and resilience.

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  • "This is Cerny's second book and just as entertaining as the first one, "Of Angels and Orphans". It is set in and around London in the 1700's and her attention to historical detail makes it all very believable. She also takes the time and effort to "paint" pictures of her characters, so much, you can almost see them. It flows well and keeps the readers interest throughout. Can't wait for her third book! Well done!"

    — S. Howard

  • "After reading Angels and Orphans and Tressa, I had expected nothing less than what I am reading currently, 'Grays Hill’. Strong characters, backdrops -I would give anything to have this kind of knowledge of history which would put many historians to shame. As usual, a great book from Barbara."

    — Rubina R.

  • “I was given this book by the author in return for an honest review. This was a fantastic story. The characters were excellently written, Lady OJ and Rafe were great character's :) I loved how they fought every time Lady OJ tried to tell Rafe where he was going wrong. I really enjoyed this book and read it in one sitting :) This was brilliantly written and I look forward to reading more by this author :)"

    — Janie